Our Objectives
The Cowichan Valley Teachers’ Union (CVTU) represents teachers who work in 28 schools in School District #79 (excluding Lake Cowichan), serving approximately 8000 students.
The objectives of the CVTU are:
- to foster and promote the cause of public education.
- to raise the status of the teaching profession.
- to promote the professional development, working conditions and welfare of its CVTU members.
- to represent its members and to regulate relations with their employer through collective bargaining of terms & conditions.
- to organize and administer such activities and funds as will assist in providing the above objectives, in order to foster effective teaching and appropriate learning conditions as approved by our profession.
Our Communities
The CVTU has members teaching students from a multitude of communities included in the Cowichan Valley Regional District, North Cowichan Municipality, the City of Duncan and First Nations communities:

- Chemainus
- Cobble Hill
- Cowichan Bay
- Cowichan Station
- Cowichan Tribes
- Crofton
- Duncan
- Glenora
- Halalt
- Lyackson
- Malahat
- Metis
- Mill Bay
- Penelakut
- Saltair
- Sahtlam
- Shawnigan Lake
- Stz’uminus
- Thetis Island
Students from these communities represent a diverse and multi-